
Hi, I’m Vincent Soubbotin

I’m a fourth-year mechanical engineering major studying at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts

I’ve always been passionate about understanding the world around me since my youth, and accordingly I’ve sought both through projects and academically to expand my knowledge and abilities.

At Northeastern, I’m a part of the Mars Rover Team, where I do mechanical design, as well as AerospaceNU. I also mentor my former First Robotics Competition Team, Terrorbots 3623, which I have been a part of since 2017.

To see a full list of posts, see the portfolio tab at the top, or click here.

Major Projects

Here are some of my projects, including high school, college clubs, and personal work.

URC Swerve Drive Suspension System

In progress capstone project, to create a 4-wheel swerve drive system with adjustable height suspension.

Carby V3 High Power Rocket

Minimum diameter rocket featuring a unique 3D printed airframe and machined fin can

URC 6DOF Robotic Arm V2

Second version of our robotic arm I designed made to be more accurate, with higher speed and rigidity, and improved control.

FRC 3623 2022 Robot

Designed robot in collaboration with new students that could climb rungs and pickup and shoot balls.

New Axis 5-6 Wrist

New bevel differential wrist designed for the 6DOF arm with more torque and accuracy than the previous version

FRC 3623 2024 Robot

Robot designed with students to shoot rubber rings and climb a hanging chain.

New Rover Wheel/Hub

New wheel and hub design to increase rigidity and traction through more compliance and better layout

FRC 3623 2021 Robot

Robot designed during my senior year of high school, which shot dodge balls into a vertical target using an intake, spinning indexer, turret, and adjustable hood.


Email: soubbotin.v@northeastern.edu (This is the best way to get in touch with me)

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vincent-soubbotin-b1561024b/

GrabCAD: https://grabcad.com/vincent.soubbotin-1 (Posts of all the CAD models for my past projects where relevant)